A/N Again, I copied and pasted from google docs so the format is weird. Anyhow, enjoy! Chapter 2 Aviation Aquarius Resort SPYDER’s Boat March 31 7030 hours “We’re taking this to the private Tulum airport?” Zoe asked, amazed. The helicopter we were taking to the private airfield has huge and plush. The seats were leather, and the floor carpeted in some areas, and hardwood floor is some areas, along with a decent bathroom. There were six seats, tree in a row, and both rows were facing each other. There were two captain seats, and Cyrus declared that he would fly. Catherine had argued briefly that she should fly, and they settled for being co-captains. I sat down in a chair, and Mike sat next on my left. He promptly passed out, and started snoring very softly. Erica made a move for the seat next to me, but Zoe snuck past her, slipping into the seat on my right. Erica narrowed he...
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