Chapter 2 of Spy School Fan-ficiton

A/N Again, I copied and pasted from google docs so the format is weird. Anyhow, enjoy!

Chapter 2
Aquarius Resort
March 31
7030 hours

“We’re taking this to the private Tulum airport?” Zoe asked, amazed.
        The helicopter we were taking to the private airfield has huge and plush. The seats were leather, and the floor carpeted in some areas, and hardwood floor is some areas, along with a decent bathroom. There were six seats, tree in a row, and both rows were facing each other.
There were two captain seats, and Cyrus declared that he would fly. Catherine had argued briefly that she should fly, and they settled for being co-captains.
        I sat down in a chair, and Mike sat next on my left. He promptly passed out, and started snoring very softly. Erica made a move for the seat next to me, but Zoe snuck past her, slipping into the seat on
my right. Erica narrowed her eyes for a second, but then grabbed Murray’s arm and placed the shackled boy in the seat across from Mike, next to the middle. Erica sat in the second seat, across from me, and Alexander sat on the last available seat, next to the door.
        We were lifting off when I realized that Erica Hale had wanted to sit next to me. The only rational part of me myself that it was probably related to the mission. The other 99% of me was freaking out. Then
I remembered that I was sitting next to Zoe, and she was watching Erica carefully. Erica was looking right back. They had some sort of staring contest, but neither won.
        For once, Murray was silent. I realized this as because he was on in the valley on energy. He had had a ton of candy from the minibar in the villa, and was now crashing.
        Alexander was also sleeping, he had been out late and came back shopping wet. Erica thought this was because he fell into the pool and thought it was the shark tank, mostly because he kept mumbling “those
freaky large fish!”
        This was at about three in the morning when I was watching TV because I wasn’t sleeping. I heard the door open, a and there was
Alexander, and Erica. I fell off the couch in surprise, not because we finally found Alexander, but because Erica was behind. I had made sure everyone was in bed when I got up, but apparently Erica had followed me.
        A jolt brought me back to the present. The first thing I noticed was that Erica and Zoe were still staring at each other. I must have dozed off, because we were at the private airfield in Tulum.
        We filled out of the helicopter, taking what little belongings we had. A plane from MI6 was already started and waiting. We boarded, and I was surprised. This place was about a thousand times better that
the one the CIA had us take.
        The cockpit had two seats, and again Cyrus and Catherine were co-pilots. There were four rows of two seats, all facing the front. Murray was still asleep, so Erica and Alexander had to carry him to the
private jet. They put him in the window seat in the first row, and Alexander sat next to him. Erica then slid into the widow seat in the second row. I slid into the seat next to her, and was silently celebrating inside. Erica noticed my expression and blushed a little.
        Zoe huffed a little and slid into the seat directly behind me, and Mike sat next to her. The fourth row remained empty, and ten minutes later we were cleared for takeoff.
        I was very comfortable, and I reluctantly drifted
off to sleep. I wanted to savor the moments with Erica, but I needed the rest for the mission.
        As the plane jolted, I took Erica’s hand. The plane continued to lose altitude over the Pacific Ocean. SPYDER had attacked us, that much I knew. I turned looked to Erica, and she looked worried. There was a big thump, and Erica said, “Ben! Wake Up!”
What the heck?
        Then I woke up, and realized that I had had a dream. I also realized that in real life, I was holding Erica’s hand, and her cold face had a hint of concern in it.
        “Yeah, I’m fine. Just had a nightmare SPYDER
ambushed the plane.”
        “Ok kids!” Catherine said. “It’s time to get off
the plane and to the taxis!”
        We all filled of the plane, and I noticed Zoe eye Erica and my hand, still intertwined. I shot Erica a glace, who looked normal, meaning her standard cold expression.
        There were two taxis, one for Cyrus, Catherine, Alexander, and Murray, and one for Erica, Mike, Zoe and I. Catherine said that we were going to “The Z Victoria Hotel.”
        Once we were in the cab, a bigger one at that, there were four seats in the back with room to spare. I sat next to Erica again, and Mike sat next to Zoe. We were facing each other, and Zoe was sitting across from me. She was still looking at Erica’s hand in mine.
        Erica sensed this, looked up, and gently removed her hand at the same time I did, so it looked more forceful than it should have looked.
        “Where to, Miss?” the cabbie asked.
        “ The Z Victoria Hotel,” Erica said curtly.
        “That’s a long ride,” the cabbie said.
        Without hesitation, Erica responded, “I know. The
weather in wild, isn't it?”
        “The Z Victoria Hotel it is,” the cabbie said, and
started to car up at once. We rolled out of the parking lot, behind the cab that Cyrus, Catherine, Alexander, and Murray were in.
        “Was that a code?” I asked.
        “Yes,” Erica said casually, pulling out her gun,
and started cleaning it. This kind of discouraged conversation, but Mike spoke anyhow.
        “Is this a cab from MI6?” he asked.
        “Probably,” Zoe said, looking out the window.
        “It is,” Erica said. “Mom ordered them, and she set up the code.”
        “Are you sure this isn’t hijacked by SPYDER?” Zoe asked.
        “Are you questioning MI6?” Erica asked demonly.
        “Um. . . no,” Zoe said, even thought she had been questioning it. I was too.
        It was proved that this cab was not hijacked by SPYDER when we reached the hotel safely. I gazed up at the five-story building, placed in between and office building and a restaurant, which I thought is part of the hotel.
        The cabbie dropped us off, and we didn't need to pay, courtesy of MI6. Cyrus, Catherine, Alexander and Murray were already there, and Murray was now fully functioning. I noticed Cyrus had a gun pointed at him under his coat, so if he tried anything funny, he would get shot somewhere very painful.
        “Let’s get out key cards, and rest,” Cyrus said authoritatively.
        We filled in, got everything, and went to our rooms, on the fifth floor. I shared a room with Mike, Zoe and Erica shared a room, Catherine got a room to herself, and Cyrus, Alexander, and Murray all
shared a room.
        Mike and I went inside our room and gasped. It was very new age and modern. I could tell this from the lobby and elevator, but it was still very nice inside the actual rooms. Mike and I flopped on the single bed, and lay there for a while. It was only eight o’clock, but I was tired. I wondered how Erica was doing, having to share a bed with Zoe. She was probably sleeping on the floor. I smiled, and drifted off to sleep.


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